CDH event guidelines

Cambridge Digital Humanities holds events where participants feel safe and included, regardless of age, gender, sexual orientation, race, language, political opinion, disability, physical appearance or religion. CDH values the participation of each speaker and attendee, and wants them to enjoy our events.

All speakers and attendees are expected to show respect and courtesy throughout our events.

This code of conduct outlines expected behaviour during our events, and explains how to report an incident of discrimination, bullying or harassment.

All participants are expected to:

  • Be inclusive, considerate, respectful and collaborative.
  • Refrain from intimidating, discriminatory, harassing or demeaning behaviour.
  • Inform the conference organisers and the CDH Communications & Events Coordinator if they notice someone in distress.

Unacceptable behaviour:

Examples of unacceptable behaviour include intimidation, harassment, bullying, discrimination, derogatory or demeaning conduct related to age, gender, sexual orientation, race, language, political or other opinion, national or social origin, disability, physical appearance, religion or other status. Participants found to be engaging in behaviour that violates this code of conduct will be dealt with in line with the University’s Harassment procedures.

Reporting unacceptable behaviour:

If you or someone else is subjected to, or notice unacceptable behaviour or you have any other concerns, please report it directly to the Communications & Events Coordinator or via email: All reports will be dealt with confidentially.

Cambridge Digital Humanities

Tel: +44 1223 766886