Archiving the 8th – Seminar Series

Tuesday, 25 May 2021: 2.00pm

Tuesday, 1 June 2021: 2.00pm

Tuesday, 8 June 2021: 2.00pm

Tuesday, 15 June 2021: 2.00pm

The School of History of Art and Cultural Policy at University College Dublin is delighted to announce a four-part seminar series taking place in May/June 2021 as part of its 2020-21 Wellcome Trust-funded project, Archiving the 8th

Launching online on Tuesday May 25th – the third anniversary of the repeal of the 8th Amendment – at 2.00pm, and running for three weeks thereafter, this online seminar series will focus on questions of how the objects, experiences, and perspectives of political activism are preserved and understood. How are archiving and collecting practices responding to, reflecting, and shaping the legacy of women’s reproductive rights? How can cultural professionals and activists work together to ensure robust public archives of social activism, which are critical for future histories and documenting social change?


Each week, local, national, and international experts will address the project’s three core intersecting themes of archiving, activism, and academic activity – probing cutting-edge digital preservation techniques, methodologies undertaken to collect and interpret archival materials, as well as challenges experienced by marginalised communities in having their voices and experiences recorded and acknowledged.


Events are free and open to all. To register please visit:

  • Posted 11 May 2021

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