We are pleased to announce the opportunity to apply for the following CDH Research Awards, deadline 7 November 2021.

Conference Paper Presentation Bursary Awards

Deadline: Sunday, 7 November 2021

Cambridge Digital Humanities is keen to support Cambridge researchers and staff (including ECR researchers) delivering a paper or presenting a poster at conferences relevant to Digital Humanities. To that end, a limited number of CDH Conference Bursaries will be made available on application, to cover registration fees and, where travel is possible, travel and accommodation costs, up to an approved maximum.

We will exceptionally consider applicants not intending to present a paper or poster – whose attendance at a particular conference is likely to significantly benefit DH research at Cambridge and the applicant’s own career.

Visit the Conference Paper Presentation Bursary Awards page for further information and the application process.

Digital Resources Awards

Deadline: Sunday, 7 November 2021

A Digital Resources Award provides funding of up to £1,000 towards the creation of digital resources to support DH research. Resources may take the form of images (2D or 3D), film, audio, as well as more specialist forms of imaging and analysis (multispectral, VR etc.). In addition, the creation of sample data sets as part of the creation of larger research bids is within scope for this funding. Priority will be given to applications that can demonstrate a broader benefit to digital humanities as a whole and answer specific research questions. 

Visit the Digital Resources Awards page for further information and the application process.

Research Network Awards

Deadline: Sunday, 7 November 2021

Cambridge Digital Humanities provides funding of up to £2,000 for the set-up and running of a Digital Humanities Research Network during the academic year 2021/22. The network will be interdisciplinary in nature and bring together graduate students, early career researchers, established academics in a series of reading groups,  seminars and lectures. We also encourage network convenors to explore other experimental formats to encourage broad participation across the University. The CDH Research Network will also benefit from administrative support from the CDH team.

Visit the Research Network Awards page for further information and the application process.

Project Incubation Awards

Deadline: Sunday, 7 November 2021

A Project Incubation Award provides seed funding of up to £2,000 to support emerging digital humanities projects. Funding will usually be awarded to projects that can demonstrate broad significance to the field of digital humanities while addressing specific research questions. Examples might include the development and testing of research methodologies; experimental technological work towards developing standards, tools and platforms; work towards the establishment of networks and partnerships; or the building up of digital humanities skills and knowledge in the academic community. The limited scope of the funding means that applications should be tightly focussed on particular problem areas with an emphasis on experimental approaches.

Visit the Project Incubation Awards page for further information and the application process.

Bid Development Awards

Deadline: Sunday, 7 November 2021

A Bid Development Award provides support of up to £2,000 for projects in the process of developing bids for funding in the digital humanities, supporting the practical steps towards developing coherent and realisable bids for submission to funding bodies. Activities might include identifying suitable funding calls; surveys of existing tools, technologies, standards and platforms; the shaping of digital humanities approaches and methodologies in relation to research questions; assistance with scoping and costing technical aspects; and the identification of networks and partnerships. Priority will be given to projects that can demonstrate a broader benefit to digital humanities as a field, and answer specific research questions.

Visit the Bid Development Awards page for further information.

  • Posted 29 Sep 2021

Cambridge Digital Humanities

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Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk