Silvia Garzarella is a PhD Student in Visual, Performing, and Media Arts at the University of Bologna, currently working on the project: Improving the Fruition of Ballet’s Intangible Assets through Digital Archives and Advanced Digital Technology Products–a Case Study of Rudolf Nureyev (1938-1993). At the same University, she achieved a master’s degree in Italian Language Studies while working on the cataloguing of the personal archive of the choreographer Valeria Magli (2019-2020).

Discovering strategic ways to disclose dance intangible heritage to a widespread audience, is what drives her research interests, which range between the use of advanced techniques for movement analysis to the application of extended reality tools to improve audience engagement.

As a scholar, she is a member of the University Theatre Council (CUT) and an editorialist for the academic journal “Danza e ricerca. Laboratorio di studi, scritture, visioni”.

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