Dr Eleanor Drage is a Christina Gaw Post-doctoral Research Associate at the Centre for Gender Studies and a member of the Gender & Technology Research Project team. Eleanor started her career in financial technology before co-founding an e-commerce company. She graduated with an International Dual PhD from the University of Bologna and the University of Granada in 2019. She was an Early Stage Researcher for the EU Horizon 2020 ETN-ITN-Marie Curie project “GRACE” (which investigated the production of ‘cultures of gender equality’ in Europe). Eleanor helped develop a software application, which communicated intersectional feminist ideas and methodologies to the public as part of this project. Her publications focus on how humanity defines and constitutes itself through unstable socio-cultural processes such as race and gender and through fallible technological systems.

Eleanor is particularly interested in how technology can prompt and develop certain behavioural skills and how anti-racist and anti-sexist critical theory can be implemented at industry level to develop ethical and socially transformative technological products. Her work investigates how queer and intersectional methodologies can be applied to improving technological processes and systems. Eleanor is also a Research Associate at Darwin College, Cambridge.

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