Ilaria Cesaroni is a third-year PhD candidate in Humanism and Technologies at the University of Macerata. She graduated in Modern Philology at the University of Macerata, worked on the correspondence between Monaldo Leopardi and Carlo Antici. Her work aims to constitute the digital epistolary of Giacomo Leopardi’s father, Monaldo, embedded in a very dense intellectual circuit. This epistolary could offer a realistic outlook on the Italian pre-unitary period, and it allows deepening the history of one of the best-preserved librarian fonds: the Leopardi’s library. The digitization of the letters is conducted according to the XML-TEI encoding. She is also interested in learning Data Visualization methods to improve digital scholarly editions. We welcome Ilaria to Cambridge for Easter term. Ilaria will be based at CDH, working closely with Huw Jones in the Digital Content Unit.

Cambridge Digital Humanities

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