Julia A. Empey received her PhD in English and Film Studies at Wilfrid Laurier University. Dr Empey is a SSHRC Postdoctoral Fellow in the Faculty of English at the University of Cambridge and the book reviews editor at Interconnections: The Journal of Posthumanism /  Interconnexions: revue de posthumanisme. Her research and publication interests focus on contemporary literature and film, feminist and posthumanist theory, and science fiction literature, film, and media. Her other interests include eco-criticism, cosmopolitan studies, and political theory. She is the co-editor of Feminist Posthumanism in Contemporary Science Fiction Film and Media (Bloomsbury 2023). Dr Empey’s current research project examines the ethics, possibilities, and limitations of mind uploading – replicating human consciousness through artificial intelligence (AI) –and the role of science fiction in shaping collective perspectives about the future. Using a combination of ethnographic research and textual analysis, Dr Empey is assessing how the concept of mind uploading has shifted over time and how expressions of race, class, dis/ability, sex, and gender shape mind uploading development and its future dissemination. Further, she explores if mind uploading offers liberating possibilities or upholds current systems of power and alternative, non-AI based forms of mind uploading.

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