Lidea Shahidi is a postdoctoral research associate based at the MRC Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit.  She studied for her PhD in the Applied Machine Learning Lab in the Electrical and Computer Engineering department at Duke University, where she developed speech enhancement strategies to mitigate the impact of reverberation on speech intelligibility outcomes for cochlear implant recipients. Prior to her PhD, she studied cell and molecular biology at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, where she earned a Bachelor of Science degree in Biology.

Lidea’s current research investigates novel cochlear implant speech coding strategies, with the aim of improving clinical outcomes for cochlear implant recipients. This work involves computational analyses and behavioural experiments to measure speech perception and psychoacoustic phenomena, with the aim of understanding the mechanisms by which coding strategies may improve the transmission of speech information to the auditory nerve. Outside of cochlear implant research, her research interests include auditory scene analysis, speech enhancement, and speech processing. She has taught several lectures and workshops on programming, command line tools, psychoacoustics, and signal processing, and she looks forward to contributing to the Best Practices in Coding for Humanities Research series as an RSE Methods Fellow.

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