22 Feb 2022 16:00 - 17:30 Online


Post-Publishing: Experimenting with Living Books
Please be aware that this session is now cancelled as members of UCU defend pension and pay, stop casualisation and demand an end to the institutional racism, sexism and inequality which affects the pay and career prospects of so many in academia. You can find out more about the strike here: https://www.ucu.cam.ac.uk/industrial-action-2022-faqs/
Speaker: Dr Janneke Adema (Coventry University)
About the Event
Drawing from her recently published book, Living Books. Experiments in the Posthumanities, Janneke Adema examines in this paper the potential futures of the scholarly monograph in an increasingly digital environment. With the demise of traditional gatekeepers and the introduction of new modes of publishing and distribution, conventional distinctions between publishing (as the activity of making information available to the public) and research are blurring, which has contributed to a raised awareness of when and why we publish (and for what reasons). In this context, this talk argues for the importance of experimenting with alternative ways of thinking and performing the academic monograph. It examines the general trend towards living books and the iterative and dynamic publishing of open, distributed, differential, and versioned research, all experiments in knowledge production and dissemination that have the potential to critique our increasingly object-based and commodified scholarship. Adema argues how thinking about publishing as post-publishing highlights how publishing itself, and in particular the platforms on which we publish, should be conceived as an integral part of the research process, and as inherently shaping it.

About the Speaker
Dr Janneke Adema (she/her) is a cultural and media theorist working in the fields of (book) publishing and digital culture. She is an Assistant Professor in Digital Media at The Centre for Postdigital Cultures (Coventry University) and supports a variety of scholar-led, not-for-profit publishing projects, including the Radical Open Access Collective, Open Humanities Press, ScholarLed, Post Office Press (POP), Cita Press, and the COPIM project. You can follow her research on openreflections.wordpress.com.

This event will be held virtually. All ticket holders have an opportunity to participate via question submission during the Q&A portion of the seminar.
Book your free ticket on the eventbrite page: https://post-publishing.eventbrite.co.uk

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