13 May 2021 15:00 - 16:00 Online event


CDH Labs: Digital Scholar Lab sessions: Tools in Depth

Chris Houghton, Gale and Tom English, Gale
Chris Houghton (Head of Digital Scholarship for Gale) joins us to deliver this suite of CDH Labs sessions. Chris collaborates globally with scholars, in the digital humanities community, ensuring the development of Gale Digital Scholar Lab continues to meet their needs.
It will be an advantage if you have already attended one of the CDH Labs: Introduction to Gale Digital Scholar Lab sessions (scheduled for Thursday 6 May or Monday 10 May), or have used the Lab before. 
In this session we will explore;
the analytical tools of the Lab in greater detail
examine each tool to understand what they do
examine potential use cases for them in research
By the end of this session you will understand the difference between the analytical tools and how you can combine them to enhance your exploration of Gale’s primary source databases and your own material
These sessions are open to staff and graduate students of the University of Cambridge.
The University Library has created a useful getting started “Walkthrough” Guide to the Lab – which is available here and if you wish to have access to the Lab, please contact ejournals@lib.cam.ac.uk for the username and password. You can also hear from Wendy Kurtz, Digital Humanities Specialist at Gale as to what it does and why they created it – watch here
To book a place on this workshop – visit UTBS

Cambridge Digital Humanities

Tel: +44 1223 766886
Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk