30 Sep 2019 - 1 Oct 2019 10:15 - 16:30 Old Divinity School, St John's College


The scholarly edition is currently in a state of flux. Academics are increasingly focused on the advantages of the digital in their research projects, in terms of the subjects and methods of their research, but also in their outputs. Digital methods liberate research from the constraints of the printed page, and whilst this poses challenges to the institutional ability to support these methods, perhaps more significantly it also challenges traditional publishing workflows and therefore the publishing industry’s investment in this area. This is a crucial industry sector for Arts, Humanities and Social Science engagement and by bringing together University and publishers, and convening a multidisciplinary panel of researchers, this event offers Cambridge researchers the opportunity to influence the direction of the market.
Creating digital content that engages the wider public in meaningful and innovative ways is crucial, and it is expected that this facilitated workshop will deliver improved mechanisms for the dissemination of our researchers’ work through enhanced partnerships with field-leading publishers, while providing commercial partners with insights into potentially profitable models. In combining the discrete knowledge bases of researchers/publishers fluent in the priorities of digital editions of musical and literary texts, the best-practice models from each discipline and the associated publishing houses can be shared in a manner that produces new understanding and improved working methods for both the researchers and the companies in question.
Book your place at: https://sustainablescholarlyedition.eventbrite.co.uk
Monday 30 September: The digital scholarly edition
10:15–10:45: Registration & coffee
10:45–11:00: Welcome and introduction
11:00–12:45: Session 1 – What constitutes a publisher?
12:45–13:30: LUNCH
13:30–15:00: Session 2 – What constitutes a digital edition?
15:00–16:00: Session 3 – What are the current challenges for publishers?
16:00–16:15: BREAK
16:15–17:30: Session 4 – Digital economies
17:30pm–19:00: RECEPTION
Tuesday 1 October: Methodologies & Models
09:30–10:00: Registration/coffee
10:00–11:45: Session 5 – Trends in methodologies and technology (part one)
11:45–12:00: BREAK
12:00–13:00: Session 6 – Trends in methodologies and technology (part two)
13:00–14:00: LUNCH
14:00–16:00: Session 7 – Models and markets
16:00–16:30: Round-up/close

Cambridge Digital Humanities

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