14 Mar 2024 10:00–11:30 Zoom


Our termly online DH Teaching Forum is open to anyone at the University of Cambridge interested in teaching Digital Humanities or teaching the Humanities (and Social Sciences) digitally. They provide an informal space for peer learning and networking, skill sharing and discussion, and short invited talks and presentations on topics the group decides.

This term’s talk welcomes Dr Eleanor Dare:

Spatial ideology, social VR and speculative spaces for education and performance
Dr Eleanor Dare, Senior Teaching Associate Faculty of English and CDH Methods Fellow

This will be a hands-on interactive session in which we will collectively explore speculative approaches to the spatiality of education and performance; we will do this via Mozilla Hubs social virtual spaces. The session will question uncritical ideologies relating to immersion and corporate constructs such as the ‘metaverse’ Instead, we will discuss Brechtian Alienation, Deleuze’s construct of the virtual as potential and the use of arts-based approaches which pay great attention to the materiality of digital spaces, as well as their entanglement with neoliberal and other trajectories. What can we do with such spaces? Can they be deployed as sites of critical potential, or should we develop alternative spaces away from so-called ‘hidden’ corporate curricula?

Headphones and a laptop would provide the best experience of this session.


Cambridge Digital Humanities

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Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk