Since the first Cambridge Data School in 2019, our schools have expanded year upon year. In total, we have now conducted eight Data Schools in two formats —  the Cultural Heritage Data School, aimed at people working in GLAM institutions, and the Social Data School, reaching journalists and organisations doing investigations in the public interest.

During the pandemic, like many other educational institutions, we had to move our Data Schools online. However, this had the unexpected benefit of widening participation, allowing many more people to access our learning globally. With that in mind and the pandemic subsiding, in 2022 we decided to expand our Data School programme to four schools a year: two online and two in-person. You can read more about that decision here.

In January 2023, we hosted the Social Data School online and have two in-person Data Schools scheduled this spring and summer: our short Cultural Heritage Data School in April, and our week-long Social Data School in June. We are hoping to have another online Cultural Heritage Data School later in the year.

  • Short Cultural Heritage Data School: 17 – 18 April 2023, Cambridge, UK.
  • Social Data School: 26 – 30 June 2023, Cambridge, UK.

But what are the benefits of a Data School?

Hear from past participants how they found the school and what some of their best bits were in these videos.

  • Posted 5 Apr 2023
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