
CDH invites applications for Visiting Fellowships to be held for one term (2-3 months) or two terms (5-6 months). A longer period of three terms (9 months) is also offered on an exceptional basis provided that the start date of the stay coincides with the start of a term at the university.

These self-funded Fellowships are open to any scholar from outside the University of Cambridge working in an area of digital humanities that falls broadly within the arts, humanities, or social sciences. Interdisciplinary scholars working on subjects involving medicine, engineering or the natural sciences are also welcome. Visiting Fellows have access to the libraries and wider collections at the University of Cambridge and other resources at CDH, including hot-desking facilities. Fellows will also have the opportunity to give and attend talks and research training events, participate in the Methods Learning Programme, convene reading groups, and contribute in other ways.

Visiting Fellows come to pursue their independent research and CDH does not provide any academic supervision. However, Fellows are expected to play a part in CDH’s research community and are encouraged to participate in a range of events.

Enquiries should be directed to visitors@cdh.cam.ac.uk

Duration of Fellowships

There are three entry points during the academic year for Visiting Fellows:

  • beginning of October (for the Michaelmas Term)
  • middle of January (for the Lent Term)
  • middle of April (for the Easter Term)

For precise start dates, please refer to the published University term dates. A Visiting Fellow must arrive by the Sunday before the Tuesday listed as the first day of term. They may arrive up to two weeks earlier than this if they wish, if space is available, but the Visiting Fellowship programme (including all events for Fellows) will begin in the first week of term.

One-term Visiting Fellowship (entry in October, January or April): A Visiting Fellowship must end no earlier than the last day of term (see University term dates). Fellows may stay for up to another four weeks beyond the end of term if they wish, or a little longer if space is available.

Two-term Visiting Fellowship (entry in October or January): Visiting Fellows should remain in Cambridge until the last day of the second term. Fellows may stay for up to another four weeks beyond the end of term if they wish, or a little longer if space is available.

Three-term Visiting Fellowship (entry in October and in exceptionally): Visiting Fellows should remain in Cambridge until the last day of the third term.

Eligibility and Selection Criteria

  • Visiting Fellows must have been awarded a PhD before application.
  • Visiting Fellows must be working in an area of digital humanities that falls broadly within the arts, humanities, or social sciences (interdisciplinary approaches involving medicine, engineering or the natural sciences are also welcome).
  • Fellows will be selected on the basis of academic merit. Some consideration will also be given to connections between their work and CDH’s broader mission.
  • There is no funding attached to visiting fellowships. Please see terms and conditions for further information

How to apply

Applications can only be accepted via the application system. The following information will be required:

  • a 2-page curriculum vitae
  • a covering letter explaining your reasons for choosing CDH, your preferred dates, and confirmation that you have funding in place
  • the names of at least one and up to two members of academic staff at the University of Cambridge that you wish to be in contact with while you are here (academic staff are listed under individual departments and faculties on their websites)
  • a statement of between 800 and 1000 words outlining a research proposal for the time you wish to spend at CDH
  • a sample of written work (e.g. a journal article), which may be published or unpublished

Applicants should also request a referee to submit a letter of recommendation to the application system by the same deadline. They should therefore initiate an application and register the details of a referee at least two weeks before the deadline, as referees will be sent an automated prompt to upload a confidential reference to the system.

Please email visitors@cdh.cam.ac.uk if you experience any technical difficulties with the system.

Application Deadlines

Upcoming application deadlines are listed below.

Application deadline Fellowships to be held
21-Apr-24 between October 2024 and March 2025
01-Oct-24 between January 2025 and June 2025
01-Apr-25 between October 2025 and June 2026
01-Apr-26 between October 2026 and June 2027


Fellowship terms and conditions

  • Visiting Fellows are expected to reside in Cambridge during the entire period of the Fellowship. Short trips may be taken for research purposes (to give lectures, attend conferences or consult archives, for example) by prior arrangement with the Director. Permission will also be given for short visits home for personal reasons.
  • Visiting Fellows are expected to become active participants in the CDH research community. As a minimum requirement, they are expected to engage in CDH research events, and to deliver a workshop or seminar and/or convene a reading group during their visit.
  • Visiting Fellows must have their own funding in place before arrival to cover travel, accommodation, living expenses, and a visitors’ fee, which is levied at the set University rate of £2,400 per year, £720 per term, or £90 per week outside of term-time. All charges are exclusive of 20% VAT (if applicable). This fee goes towards the cost of administrating the Fellowships programme, library access, provision of a University card and email address, IT support and event organisation.
  • All Visiting Fellows must have valid travel and health insurance in place.

These guidelines are subject to change to stay in line with University of Cambridge guidance.

Please email visitors@cdh.cam.ac.uk for enquiries.

Cambridge Digital Humanities

Tel: +44 1223 766886
Email enquiries@crassh.cam.ac.uk