The Intersections, Feminism, Technology & Digital Humanities network (IFTe) addresses a critical challenge in contemporary society and culture: the gender imbalance in computational practices and systems. This challenge has deep implications for Digital Humanities (DH) practice and theorising. Our overarching objective is to ‘un-code’ gendered assumptions, question our digital environments and systems, and embed intersectional feminist methods and theory within DH with a view to the creation of new DH futures.

The Chain

The chain is a series of linked entries from people in the Intersections: Feminism, Technology and Digital Humanities (IFTe) network and beyond. They include speakers, contributors, members, investigators, advisory group members of IFTe, theorists, artists, activists, others. Each chain entry responds in some way to the entry proceeding it and offers a suggestion (or three) for an entry to follow.

IFTe network & research project is funded by UKRl·AHRC and the Irish Research Council under the UK-Ireland Collaboration in the Digital Humanities Networking Call ( AHJV00199X/1 and IRC/V00199X/1).


Professor Caroline Bassett

Professor Caroline Bassett

Director, Cambridge Digital Humanities; Professor of Digital Humanities

Cambridge Digital Humanities

Tel: +44 1223 766886