
A Digital Resource Award for a project to commission a poet to write, perform and film a summative poem.

Young people’s views of the creative-activist turn to digital circulation of spoken word – poetry performed live to an audience – and the future of educational justice in adverse times, are refreshingly presented in a new spoken word video “Oral to A4”, featuring the original poem of multiple-award winning poet Princess Arinola Adegbite aka P. A. Bitez. In the words of the poet herself, in Oral to A4, she “potently protests the subtle ways people are indoctrinated into pedestaling certain artforms and artists over others to reclaim Spoken Word as a powerful means of expression, reaffirming its historical relevance and the context of its continued importance”. Oral to A4 was created as part of Poetic Justice Values (PJV), ESRC-funded research project, Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge – Researcher, Dr A. Nikolova, in partnership with Young Identity (YI) – a combined arts charity and Manchester’s premier spoken word collective – CEO, Shirley May.


  • Dita N. Love (ESRC Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Faculty of Education)

Cambridge Digital Humanities

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